Some nitty gritty details on how I pieced the top
If this quilt were made of squares or triangles, it would be easy. Put right sides together, line up the edges and sew a 1/4 inch seam. These trapezoids need some extra love though.
Let me welcome you to row number 11
Here's how the blocks should look at you've sewn them together, the top and bottom aligned so it makes a straight line
If you put the right sides together and line up the edge, you'd do something like this
I've exaggerated the seam to make a point. After you sew these pieces together and fold it flat again, you don't get a straight line. Look at the top and bottom here.
The trick here is to overlap the seams using a 1/4 inch rule (and please forgive the picture, it should be turned to the right 90 degrees to match up with the previous picture). You'll want your needle to line up where the two fabrics intersect just inside the 1/4 inch rule mark.
Here's a picture after finger pressing the seam open*
And then flipped over to show the front
Repeat with the rest of the traps to finish your rows, then join the rows together and you've got yourself a quilt top.
*By default, I press my seams open on 98% of my projects but I've come to learn that sometimes it's not always the best. When making pinwheels, if you press them in one direction then cut a few threads around the middle, you can get them to lay flat in a swirl in the center (check out
this post from P.S. I Quilt for pictures).
In the case of this quilt, it would have been much easier to press the seams in opposite directions. When you join the rows together, the seams fit together like a zipper with each fold butting up next to it's neighbor.