For the record, the binding on this was a mess. I keep changing my dimensions and seam allowances with each quilt I make so I never remember what I did on previous quilts. This resulted in not enough fabric for the binding so I dove into my stash to find a suitable replacement. I reallllly didn't want to try to go back to the store and find the same fabric again. Think, needle in a haystack kind of store. I pulled some other pretty fabric in blue and light green as well and I asked the quilt owner what she wanted. To borrow words from my friend T, she threw me a curve ball by selecting two blue fabrics instead of the other pinks I had out for her to choose from.
Second snafu. It was late and I was tired and sick and I just slapped dashed through attaching the binding last night. From Oh Fransson, she uses 3/8 inch seam allowance and I did the same thinking my strips were bigger than hers anyway. I would have plenty of binding to turn and stitch down. Turns out I was totally wrong. Not even close. So today I took off the binding and reattached it using a generous 1/4 inch seam. Much better!
So for the record cut strips for your binding 3 inches wide and use a full 1/4 inch seam to attach.
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