I pinned an image from someone's Etsy shop but it's no longer for sale. I studied the couple of images from the listing and I think I came up with a good replica. I loved working on this since it didn't have a tutorial.
I used felt cut to 5 1/2 inches by 11 1/2 inches. Unlike the blue quiet book, I was going to use both sides of the felt . One side could be sewn right on to the felt and the opposite side would have the fruit of veggie image placed on to some scrap fabric. That way you can cover up the stitching from the back side by the larger scrap square from the front. Sew a line 1/4 inch around all the edges of the square. This will save your fingers from getting too close to the iron when you're pressing the edges under. Fold on the sewing line and then press.
The scraps were cut 5 1/2 X 5 1/2 inches but I think I'll make them 5 X 5 next time. I had to be careful I wasn't going to sew the edges into my "binding" after everything was done.
Background scrap
Red felt
White felt
Black embroidery floss
Brown ribbon
Green rick rack
Cut all your pieces and sew on some black embroidery floss seeds on to the white inside. Then attach the white felt to the red felt, cut some ribbon and fold it in half, tucking the ends under the red felt, then sew the apple to the backing fabric.
For the pear
Yellow cotton scrap
White felt
Black embroidery floss
Brown satin ribbon
Green satin ribbon
Again, sew the seeds to the white felt then the white felt to the yellow cotton. Tuck the ribbon ends under the cotton. Here's where I would suggest using the fusible web to attach the cotton to the felt. Zig zag stitch on to the felt.
The radish
Marroon felt
Green satin ribbon
Background square
Tuck the ends of the ribbon between the felt radish and the background fabric. Sew the radish on to the background fabric.
For the peas
Green felt
Green scrap fabric
Green embroidery floss
Sew the felt peas to the scrap fabric. Then fuse and zig zag stitch to the felt. Add some green embroidery vines.
Orange felt
Green rick rack
Background fabric.
Fold the rick rack ends between the carrot and background fabric. Attach the carrot to the back ground fabric.
White felt
Green felt
Pink scraps
Black embroidery floss
Add the seeds to the pink scrap. Sew the white felt ring to the green felt. Sew the white felt to the edge of the pink scrap and then zig zag stitch to the felt.
Purple felt
Green felt
Green rick rack
Background square
Sew the green felt cap to the purple felt. Tuck the rick rack between the eggplant and the back ground square and sew together.
Last page, lemon
Orange felt
Yellow felt
Sew the yellow felt to the orange felt and add some stitching to resemble the lemon segments. Sew the lemon to the felt and the lemon juice drops to the felt.
Arrange all the fruits and veggies on background squares to they cover all the stitches from the design sewn directly on to the felt. I lined up most of my squares on the outside edges of the book so i could make sure when I sewed the pages together, I wouldn't catch any of the square in my seam
Fold the book in half and sew using a 1/2 inch seam. I went back and forth a few times at both ends to ensure the stitches wouldn't come out.
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