Saturday, August 18, 2012


No picture today but I've got two nights of quilting under my belt and I think I'm going to like the results.

Quilting in straight lines is pretty hard.  To add to the difficulty, I'm tring to free motion quilt it (not use the feed dogs to continuously feed the quilt through my machine).  My stitches aren't all the same length and the lines aren't straight.  I'm embracing it though.  A wonky quilt calls for wonky quilting, right?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

And one more

Another one from the big camera. Here's the back of C's quilt.

Yay, finished pictures

I know I could tweak these photos a little more, the color is a little cooler than it is in real life but I'll still post them anyway.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back pieced

I was going to work on some more hand quilting last night but C was upset I wasn't working on her quilt.  Alrighty then.

I don't have enough batting for her quilt (good thing there's a sale at Jo-Ann) so I worked on piecing the back.  I could have just used the backing joined together since I had enough but I wanted to use the scraps I had from the top though.  I kept the large pieces leftover from the Amy Butler fabrics she picked out and I added smaller scraps to them to fill in the spaces.  I got the back pieced and pressed while watching the Olympics last night and I'll get the batting tonight.  The plan for tonight, making the sandwich maybe and contemplating the quilting a little more.  A trip to the thread store might have to wait until this weekend after my race, we'll see.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

C's top is done

And in record time. It felt great to get back to sewing after being on vacation.