Batting is cut
The sandwich is made and pinned
Quilting pattern is picked and has been practiced
And for the record, for a quilter, I'm really bad at math.
I'll blame it on my mommy brain ('cause I did get a 4 on my BC Calculus AP exam once upon a time) but every time I need to do math on how much to cut or how many blocks I can get from a certain cut of fabric, I freeze. 7 inch pinwheels? 7 1/2 finished? So how big do I need to cut my squares?
Most of the time, I have H help me. "Can I use this batting to make 2 full quilts and a baby quilt?" Other times, we use the Robert Kaufman Quilt Calculator. And even other times, I text my friend T. She calls herself a quilting newbie but she's got a wealth of knowledge I just don't have.
So the math is done on baby J's quilt, on to quilting.
I made sure not to pick up the beautiful and very difficult, for me anyways, to work with Sulky thread. Bobin wound, machine threaded and ready to go.
Love the fabric!